Life of Sebastian Kneipp



Sebastian Kneipp is born

... on May 17th, 1821 in Stephansried near Ottobeuren in Bavaria. As the son of a poor family of weavers, he worked eight to ten hours a day on the loom in the damp basement from the age of 11



Sebastian Kneipp is studying

He falls ill with tuberculosis and is considered a hopeless case. Kneipp heals himself through plunges in the Danube after reading "Lessons of the Power and Effects of Fresh Water in the Bodies of People, Especially the Sick" by Dr. Johann Siegmund Hahn.

1852 - 1855

1852 - 1855

Sebastian Kneipp becomes a priest

Sebastian Kneipp was ordained a priest in Augsburg and became a confessor in the Dominican convent in Bad Wörishofen from May 2, 1855.



Sebastian Kneipp becomes pastor of St. Justina

Sebastian Kneipp becomes pastor of the local parish of St. Justina. The number of ill people seeking help from him is growing steadily.



Book "My Water Cure" is published

"My Water Cure" appears in the first edition. Kneipp's book will be translated into 14 languages within a short period of time and distributed all over the world. The foundation stone of the health resort in Wörishofen has been laid.



Sebastian Kneipp dies

Sebastian Kneipp dies of cancer on June 17.



Bad Wörishofen is officially designated a City and Spa destination

The Bavarian Ministry of State makes Bad Wörishofen a city, in the same year it becomes Kneipp-Spa.



World record with arm bath

1135 people take part at the "Longest Arm Bath in the World". World record!



Kneipp treatment becomes world heritage

On December 4th, 2015 the German UNESCO Commission added Kneipp's Naturopathic Treatment to the list of intangible cultural heritage.

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